Articles by

Bruce Bower

Here’s how ancient Amazonians became master maize farmers

Water engineers in ancient South America turned seasonally flooded Amazonian savannas into hotbeds of year-round maize farming....

Iron Age Celtic women’s social and political power just got a boost

Celtic women’s social and political standing in Iron Age England has received a genetic lift. DNA clues...

Britain’s largest ancient massacre may have included cannibalism

A 4,000-year-old murder mystery began with a massacre in what’s now southwestern England. Then came dismemberment, possibly...

The oldest known ritual chamber in the Middle East has been found

An ancient ritual compound has come to light in the deepest, darkest part of a cave located...

Footprints offer a rare look at ancient human relatives crossing paths

Two ancient hominid species with slightly different gaits crossed paths in East Africa. Footprints preserved on what...

Ancient Central Americans built a massive fish-trapping system

Starting around 4,000 years ago, an elaborate fish-trapping system nourished expanding human populations in lowland Central America,...

Fossil teeth hint at a surprisingly early start to humans’ long childhoods

An extended childhood, a hallmark of human development, may have gotten off to an ancient and unusual...

How does a fossil become a superstar? Just ask Lucy.

Inside a specially constructed safe at the National Museum of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa sit the fragile...