Articles by

Dileep Rao Contributor

Decoding Bezos: Brilliant Or Lucky? 4 Key Insights For Ventures & Angels

Jeff Bezos invested $250,000 in Google in a very-early round because he liked the entrepreneurs — Larry...

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: 5 Strategies For Melinda French Gates To Transform VC

Melinda French Gates has set her sights on a formidable task – reshaping early-stage venture capital (VC)...

AI-Based Entrepreneurial Success: 5 Ways To ID Genius From Garbage

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the rage in business and venturing today. As in other emerging blockbuster...

Decoding Andre Iguodala’s #1 Secret To Surpassing Blackstone In VC

Despite being a financial powerhouse, Blackstone has faced challenges in its initial foray into growth capital, experiencing...

From WeWork To Flow: Unpacking Adam Neumann’s Second Act

WeWork was Adam Neumann’s first unicorn. It soared, became a media and investor darling, and attracted a...

Entrepreneurship 361: 6 Skills From Billion-Dollar Entrepreneurs For VC-Free Takeoff

The VC-method to build a growth venture is to come up with an idea, develop a plan...

Panera Founder, Ron Shaich, Unveils 7 Insights To Craft A Lean Unicorn

Ron Shaich built two unicorns in the food industry – Panera and Au Bon Pain. His life...

Panera Creator, Ron Shaich, Unveils 7 Insights To Craft A Lean Unicorn

Ron Shaich built two unicorns in the food industry – Panera and Au Bon Pain. His life...