Articles by

Serenity Gibbons Contributor

3 E-Commerce Trends To Watch In 2023

If you’re involved in the world of business, it’s vital to pay attention to current shopping trends....

How To Improve Your Global Customer Experience

What makes a customer loyal to a brand? What keeps them coming back? The answer to this...

5 Books To Guide Your Personal And Professional Branding

As William Shakespeare once wrote in Hamlet (I, 5), “We know what we are but know not...

How Emerging Applications Are Aiming To Save Lives

More than 250,000 people in the US die every year because of medical mishaps, making it the...

Uncovering The Secrets To High-Performing Teams

Every business aims to improve performance. Whether that’s through increasing sales or improving service, a high performing...

How To Use Empowerment And Accountability To Keep Employees Engaged

There’s no end to the number of programs, initiatives, and other suggestions out there to keep employees...

4 Books To Reach Your Full Potential — At Work And In Life

A seminal study by researchers at the University of California, Irvine and Humboldt University in Germany found...

3 Unexpected Industries Robots Will Improve

Robots have become so mainstream that they’re poised to become a driving force of future economies. Mordor...