Articles by

Saugat Bolakhe

How did an ancient shark parasite end up fossilized in tree resin?

During its lifetime nearly 100 million years ago, a newfound parasitic worm likely made its home...

This newfound longhorn beetle species is unusually fluffy

Meet Excastra albopilosa, a newly identified species of longhorn beetle that rocks an unusually fluffy white coat....

In a first, these crab spiders appear to collaborate, creating camouflage

Some crab spiders have ditched webs for flowers. Masters of disguise, female Thomisus guangxicus spiders blend in...

How a sugar acid crucial for life could have formed in interstellar clouds

Researchers may have figured out how a crucial ingredient that cells need to produce energy could form...

Here’s how magnetic fields shape desert ants’ brains

For desert ants, Earth’s magnetic field isn’t just a compass: It may also sculpt their brains. Stepping...

The U.S. now has a drug for severe frostbite. How does it work?

In the worst cases, frostbite can cause the tissues in fingers, toes, noses and other extremities to...

How air pollution may make it harder for pollinators to find flowers

Air pollution may blunt the signature scents of some night-blooming flowers, jeopardizing pollination. When the aroma of...

Does this drone image show a newborn white shark? Experts aren’t sure

In late January, the internet went all “Baby shark, doo doo doo.” Video of a purported newborn...