Articles by

Max G. Levy

How Your Body Adapts to Extreme Cold

A bitter winter storm is sweeping across the north-east of North America this weekend, and is expected...

Snow Sports Are Getting More Dangerous

Many people meet Dale Atkins for the first time on their worst days—ice climbers who are stranded...

Why Antidepressants Take So Long to Work

Clinical depression is considered one of the most treatable mood disorders, but neither the condition nor the...

A Revelation About Trees Is Messing With Climate Calculations

Every year between September and December, Lubna Dada makes clouds. Dada, an atmospheric scientist, convenes with dozens...

This Is the Lightest Paint in the World

Debashis Chanda had trouble finding a physicist who could paint. The researchers in his nanoscience lab at...

This Lab-Grown Skin Could Revolutionize Transplants

The breakthrough launched a debate: What do we make now? One faction wanted to grow a face,...

This Fake Skin Fools Mosquitoes—to Fight the Diseases They Spread

The world’s deadliest animal is a picky eater. Because they transmit viral diseases like Zika and chikungunya,...

The Case of the Incredibly Long-Lived Mouse Cells

“It’s probably one of the most extraordinary papers in immunology that I’ve seen, easily in the past...