Articles by

Celia Ford

The Earth Will Feast on Dead Cicadas

Brace yourselves, Illinoisans: A truly shocking number of cicadas are about to live, make sweet love, and...

Smoking Alters Your Immune System for Years After You Quit

It’s 2024—we know that cigarettes are bad for you. But scientists are still uncovering new and troubling...

There’s a Huge Covid Surge Right Now and Nobody Is Talking About It

Seemingly everyone has come down with at least one bout of illness this winter: sniffles that theoretically...

Here’s Scientific Proof Your Cat Will Eat Almost Anything

Don’t let their fluff fool you: Your cat was built for murder. Felines, no matter how chonky,...

This Pill Tracks Your Vitals From the Inside

Digital health company Celero Systems is developing an electronic pill that can measure heart rate, breathing rate,...

Nearly Everyone With Mild Cognitive Impairment Goes Undiagnosed

Millions of people over the age of 65 likely have mild cognitive impairment, or MCI—minor problems with...

These Plants Change Color When Exposed to a Pesticide

Thanks to some genetic tricks, plants can now speak in color. A team of researchers at the...

A Groundbreaking Human Brain Cell Atlas Just Dropped

Today, an international team of researchers shared an extraordinarily detailed atlas of human brain cells, mapping its...