

Revenge of the Covid Conspiracy Theorists

In a flurry of tweets last week, Elon Musk declared that the United States Agency for International...

A pancreatic cancer blood test called PAC-MANN could spot the disease early 

Meghan Rosen is a staff writer who reports on the life sciences for Science News. She...

A bacteria-based Band-Aid helps plants heal their wounds

Got a plant with a boo-boo? Try a plant Band-Aid. A pure form of cellulose produced by...

California’s Problem Now Isn’t Fire—It’s Rain

Southern California’s long overdue rainy season is about to go into overdrive.The National Weather Service in Los...

Ozempic’s key ingredient may reduce the desire to drink alcohol

A popular diabetes and weight-loss drug reduced people’s craving for drinking alcohol. The results, from the first...

A cosmic neutrino of unknown origins smashes energy records

A neutrino from space recently plunged into the Mediterranean Sea with an energy that blows all other...

Migrating whale sharks make pit stops at oil and gas rigs

Like rolling into a gas station during a road trip, whale sharks use oil and gas...

How to Get PFAS Out of Drinking Water—and Keep It Out

There’s something scary in the water at Cape Fear. For years, chemicals giant DuPont and the company...

Your Love Life on Ozempic

Shane Desmond has been taking Wegovy only since the beginning of January, but he’s already noticing benefits....

Historical writings reveal how people weathered the Little Ice Age

“Dear diary, it was freezing outside today…” If someone today wrote that in their journal, it might...

Just a small rise in global temperatures could be deadly

Meghan Rosen is a staff writer who reports on the life sciences for Science News. She...

Wiggling ears may have once helped us hear

Ancient ear-wiggling muscles kick on when people strain to hear. That auricular activity, described January 30 in...