

Radioactive beams give a real-time view of cancer treatment in mice

Cancer-busting particle beams have been caught in the act. Particle beams can provide a blast of destructive...

Darpa Thinks Walls of Oysters Could Protect Shores Against Hurricanes

On October 10, 2018, Tyndall Air Force Base on the Gulf of Mexico—a pillar of American air...

The Hunt for Life on Europa Is About to Kick Up a Gear

If we’re going to find life on another world, Europa might just be our best bet. We...

Why Hurricane Milton Turned the Sky Purple

Just before Hurricane Milton slammed into Florida as a Category 3 storm on Wednesday, many people reported...

Hair pulling prompts one of the fastest known pain signals

CHICAGO — Big news for fighting sisters: Scientists have found the sensors that signal the painful zing...

A viral gene drive could offer a new approach to fighting herpes

Meghan Rosen is a staff writer who reports on the life sciences for Science News. She...

What leads rivers to suddenly change course?

Shifting is in a river’s nature. But when a river breaks free of its channel and carves...

Psychedelic Mushrooms Are Getting Much, Much Stronger

Earlier this year, Julian Mattucci, also known as “God Emperor Myco,” was creating new generations of spores...

The Crackdown on Compounded GLP-1 Meds Has Begun

Eli Lilly has sent cease-and-desist letters to hundreds of compounding pharmacies, telehealth companies, and medical spas making...

Hurricane Milton Shows How a Storm’s Category Doesn’t Tell the Full Story

As Hurricane Milton roared toward the west coast of Florida on Tuesday and Wednesday, its 180-mile-per-hour winds...

How the AI Nobel Prizes Could Change the Focus of Research

Demis Hassabis didn’t know he was getting the Nobel Prize in chemistry from the Royal Swedish Academy...

Why Tampa Is So Vulnerable to Hurricane Milton

For more than a century, Tampa Bay has avoided Florida’s most destructive hurricanes. Now Hurricane Milton may...