Articles by

James R. Riordon

New JWST images suggest our understanding of the cosmos is flawed

The greatest puzzle in cosmology just got even more puzzling. Images from the James Webb Space Telescope...

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx has returned bits of the asteroid Bennu to Earth

Seven years is a long time to wait for your carrier service to deliver a package. That’s...

The W boson might not be heavier than expected after all

The battle over the heft of a hard-to-detect particle is heating up. What’s at stake? Only the...

Chia seedlings verify Alan Turing’s ideas about patterns in nature

LAS VEGAS – Chia seeds sprouted in trays have experimentally confirmed a mathematical model proposed by computer...

Static electricity helps parasitic nematodes glom onto victims

LAS VEGAS — Some species of parasitic roundworms can catapult themselves high into the air to latch...

Physicists stored data in quantum holograms made of twisted light

Particles of twisted light that have been entangled using quantum mechanics offer a new approach to dense...

Muon scanning hints at mysteries within an ancient Chinese wall

For nearly 650 years, the fortress walls in the Chinese city of Xi’an have served as a...

Lots of Tatooine-like planets around binary stars may be habitable

SEATTLE — Luke Skywalker’s home planet in Star Wars is the stuff of science fiction. But Tatooine-like...