Articles by

Adam Mann

A Dune-inspired spacesuit turns astronaut pee into drinking water

In the science-fiction series Dune, the desert-dwelling Fremen of the arid planet Arrakis recycle their body’s moisture...

Strange observations of galaxies challenge ideas about dark matter

Head-scratching observations of distant galaxies are challenging cosmologists’ dominant ideas about the universe, potentially leading to the...

Astronomers watch a supermassive black hole turn on for the first time

Somewhere in the not-too-distant universe, a galaxy named SDSS1335+0728 is waking up. Over the past four years,...

Human spaceflight’s new era is fraught with medical and ethical questions

They say that going to space changes you. Often, what’s being referenced is a shift in mindset,...

China’s Chang’e-6 snagged the first samples from the farside of the moon

China has become the first country to collect samples from the farside of the moon, hopefully providing...

The sun is entering solar maximum. Expect auroras, and more

Beautiful curtains of pink and green light swirled in night skies around the world in May during...

Here’s how predictions of the sun’s corona during the 2024 eclipse fared

For most folks on Earth, the spectacular sight of the sun’s fiery corona can be witnessed only...

Venus might be as volcanically active as Earth

Present-day volcanism on Venus might be far more pervasive than previously believed. A new analysis of decades-old...