Articles by

Erin Garcia de Jesus

World record speeds for two Olympics events have fallen over time. We can go faster

Ready, set, go break a record. As elite athletes compete for top accolades in the 2024 Summer...

Bird flu has been invading the brains of mammals. Here’s why

In spring 2022, a handful of red foxes in Wisconsin were behaving oddly. Veterinary pathologist Betsy Elsmo...

Bird flu viruses may infect mammary glands more commonly than thought

The discovery of bird flu in dairy cow milk highlighted a previously overlooked target for the H5N1...

A heat dome is baking the United States. Here’s why that’s so dangerous

June is the new July. Or maybe even August. At least it feels that way, as summer...

Can humans get chronic wasting disease from deer?

Chronic wasting disease has been spreading among deer in the United States, which has raised concerns that...

This protist unfolds its ‘neck’ up to 30 times its body length to scout prey

Oddly, origami could be useful for snagging prey.  A single-celled protist called Lacrymaria olor uses a helix...

A protein found in sweat may protect people from Lyme disease

Breaking into a cold sweat over a tick bite may have its benefits. A protein found in...

Bird flu has infected a person after spreading to cows. Here’s what to know

A strain of avian influenza that has likely sickened and killed millions of birds around the globe...