

Can bioluminescent ‘milky seas’ be predicted?

BURLINGTON, Vt. — For the first time, a researcher has found a “milky sea” without relying on...

To Find Alien Life, We Might Have to Kill It

When is it OK to kill an alien life-form?In the movies, the answer is usually pretty simple:...

Newly Discovered Moon Caves Could One Day House Astronauts

This story originally appeared on WIRED Italia and has been translated from Italian.Their existence had been disputed...

The New UK Government Wants Clean Energy, Sustainable Aviation Fuel, and Public Transport Reform

The new Labour government in the UK set out its legislative priorities today after winning a landslide...

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot may be less than 200 years old

Jupiter’s signature feature — its Great Red Spot — might not be the same dark spot seen...

The Race for Space-Based Solar Power

Is space-based solar power a costly, risky pipe dream? Or is it a viable way to combat...

Paris Mayor Defies Poop Threats to Swim in Seine, and Prove a Point

On a sunny Wednesday in Paris, the city’s mayor inches down a ladder into the blue-brown water...

Pancreatic Cancer Turns Off a Key Gene in Order to Grow

THIS STORY ORIGINALLY appeared on WIRED Italia and has been translated from Italian.Pancreatic cancer turns off one...

Lab-Grown Meat for Pets Was Just Approved in the UK

In a laboratory in west London, Helder Cruz reaches into a fridge and takes out a small...

This python-inspired device could make rotator cuff surgeries more effective

Each year, 2 million people in the United States suffer from rotator cuff injuries — but only...

Rogue antibodies may cause some long COVID symptoms 

Meghan Rosen is a staff writer who reports on the life sciences for Science News. She...

Cutting-Edge Technology Could Massively Reduce the Amount of Energy Used for Air Conditioning

The Chinese bus company couldn’t work it out. Some days when its buses merely crawled along Shanghai’s...