

The Ozempic Shortage Is Over

The US Food and Drug Administration has determined that semaglutide is no longer in shortage, a move...

The butts of these blowfly larvae mimic termite faces

In the insect world, impostors could be hiding anywhere. When lifting a stone during an expedition in...

Did a Rock Hit Your Windshield, or Did Your Windshield Hit a Rock?

You’re driving along, minding your own business, and—TING! Something smacks your windshield. You didn't see it coming,...

The Lunar Economy Is Coming

The lunar economy, complete with its own supply chain, may seem like a distant concept, but its...

USDA Layoffs Derail Projects Benefiting American Farmers

The widespread layoff of Department of Agriculture scientists has thrown vital research into disarray, according to former...

Buried Treasure Crossword

Sid Sivakumar, a puzzle constructor and M.D./Ph.D. student in biomedical engineering and neuroscience, edited this puzzle. Looking...

The Odds of a City-Killing Asteroid Hitting Earth Keep Rising

An asteroid discovered late last year is continuing to stir public interest as its odds of striking...

Biological sex is not as simple as male or female

Sex is messy. It’s not just about chromosomes. Or reproductive cells. Or any other binary metric. Many...

Fog collection could alleviate water stress in desert cities

Rural communities in arid regions have harvested tiny droplets of fog for years as a source of...

Your Next Pet Could Be a Glowing Rabbit

Humans have been selectively breeding cats and dogs for thousands of years to make more desirable pets....

Squishy materials reveal new physics of static electricity 

Rub a balloon on your hair and the balloon typically picks up a negative electric charge, while...

Earth had new, temporary radiation rings last year

On May 10, 2024, the strongest solar storm in 20 years sparked auroras on Earth that were...