Articles by

Taylor Sohns MBA CIMA CFP

Mike Tyson’s Wisdom: Life, Planning, and Resilience

In the world of sports, wisdom, and life lessons often transcend the boundaries of the field or...

NVIDIA’s surge: a strategic investment lesson

NVIDIA, a leading technology company, has recently significantly impacted the stock market, demonstrating the potential of strategic...

Decoding January’s Unexpected Inflation Report

The financial world was rocked by the release of the January inflation report, which revealed a higher-than-anticipated...

Decoding the “Soft Landing” Financial Narrative

In the financial world, the term “soft landing” is frequently used to depict a situation where the...

Analyzing 2024 Election Candidates’ Economic Policies

The American electorate is at a crossroads as the calendar turns to November 5th, 2024. The choice...

Unmasking the Real Estate Wealth Myth

How often have you heard that “90% of millionaires made their wealth through real estate?” Real estate...

Chiefs’ Historic Consecutive Super Bowl Victories

In a remarkable display of resilience, teamwork, and exceptional talent, the Kansas City Chiefs have etched their...

Decoding S&P 500’s Current Status: Investment Insights

The S&P 500, a benchmark index representing the stock performance of 500 large companies listed on U.S....