Articles by

Meghan Rosen

310-million-year-old fossil blobs might not be jellyfish after all

What do you get when you flip a fossilized “jellyfish” upside down? The answer, it turns out,...

An antibody injection could one day help people with endometriosis

An experimental treatment for endometriosis, a painful gynecological disease that affects some 190 million people worldwide, may...

Here’s how lemon juice may fend off kidney stones

A surprise ingredient may explain how lemon juice puts the squeeze on kidney stones. Lemons contain nanoparticles...

The deadly VEXAS syndrome is more common than doctors thought

A mysterious new disease may be to blame for severe, unexplained inflammation in older men. Now, researchers...

Procrastination may harm your health. Here’s what you can do

The worst procrastinators probably won’t be able to read this story. It’ll remind them of what they’re...

These 5 biomedical advances gave 2022 a sci-fi feel

COVID-19 may continue to dominate headlines, but this year’s biomedical advances weren’t all about “the Rona.” 2022...