Articles by

Freda Kreier

How smart was T. rex?

How brainy was Tyrannosaurus rex? It depends on who you ask. Last year, the iconic Cretaceous dinosaur...

The real culprit in a 19th century dinosaur whodunit is finally revealed

A sledgehammer dealt the final blow to New York City’s dream of a paleontology museum. On May...

How some beetles ‘drink’ water using their butts

Some beetles “drink” using their butts, and scientists are starting to understand how. Red flour beetles, a...

DNA from Beethoven’s hair hints at what killed the composer

DNA from strands of Beethoven’s hair is helping to uncover what may have caused his death, researchers...

A hormone shot helped drunk mice sober up quickly

The only cure to being drunk is to wait it out. But that might not always be...

Chemical signals from fungi tell bark beetles which trees to infest

Fungi may help some tree-killer beetles turn a tree’s natural defense system against itself. The Eurasian spruce...