Articles by

Carolyn Gramling

The last 12 months were the hottest on record

The last 12 months were the hottest in 150 years of recordkeeping — and probably in the...

Newfound fossil species of lamprey were flesh eaters

Found in roughly 160-million-year-old rocks in North China, the Yanliao Biota is a diverse array of...

The development of quantum dots wins the 2023 Nobel prize in chemistry

Work on tiny dots that light up TV screens and help doctors see the blood vessels that...

New computer analysis hints volcanism killed the dinosaurs, not an asteroid

For decades, scientists have vigorously debated whether an asteroid strike or massive volcanic eruptions ended the reign...

By flying over atmospheric rivers, scientists aim to improve forecasts

The term “atmospheric river” may sound airy and ethereal, but these massive, fast-moving, drenching storms can hit...

Earth’s inner core may be more complex than researchers thought

Earth’s heart may have a secret chamber. The planet’s inner core isn’t just a solid ball of...

How wildfires deplete the Earth’s ozone layer

Towering clouds of smoke sent into the stratosphere by ferocious wildfires can eat away at Earth’s ozone...

Insect bites in plant fossils reveal leaves could fold shut millions of years ago

As early as 252 million years ago, some plants may have curled up their leaves at night...