Articles by

Adam Mann

Here’s how predictions of the sun’s corona during the 2024 eclipse fared

For most folks on Earth, the spectacular sight of the sun’s fiery corona can be witnessed only...

Venus might be as volcanically active as Earth

Present-day volcanism on Venus might be far more pervasive than previously believed. A new analysis of decades-old...

NASA’s budget woes put ambitious space research at risk

Dreams of exploring the cosmos have crashed up against the harsh reality of budget cuts in the...

Scientists are getting closer to understanding the sun’s ‘campfire’ flares

DALLAS — Scientists are starting to figure out what causes tiny eruptions on the sun called...

Pluto’s heart-shaped basin might not hide an ocean after all

Rather than a vast ocean, Pluto’s heart might be hiding a huge, heavy treasure. Computer simulations suggest...

​​During the awe of totality, scientists studied our planet’s reactions

WILLS POINT, Texas — Splish-splash. The moment the sun went behind the moon, the snapping turtles all...

A new image reveals magnetic fields around our galaxy’s central black hole

Astronomers have gotten their best view yet of the magnetic fields around the gargantuan black hole...

A teeny device can measure subtle shifts in Earth’s gravitational field

There’s a new entrant in the competition to develop ever-tinier instruments that can detect changes in our...