An overview of Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne
For over twenty years, Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne has remained a pioneer and leader in the field of distance education. All courses are graduate, non-degree semester credits and are offered to educators seeking salary advancement, recertification, license renewal, or personal enrichment. Professional Development Courses’ mission is exclusively focused on providing educators with courses that are interesting, topical, and immediately applicable to the classroom.
All 250-plus courses offered through Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne are created by professors who are experts in their respective fields, using relevant, up-to-date materials. Each course includes information designed to address specific, current educational issues through content that offers techniques and methods for better pedagogy. Students may complete course assessments in either an online or PDF format, and all course materials are included in the cost of registration.
The specific values of Professional Development Courses for teachers
The value and current content found within the courses offered at Professional Development Courses comes from subject matter that is relevant and informative to the challenges educational professionals face each day. Through constant evaluation of best practices, state requirements, and individual teacher’s requests, returning and prospective students know that they can count on coursework that will give their careers the boost and graduate credits they need to be successful. Additionally, students can rely on enjoyable and engaging course materials and assignments that have become synonymous with the name Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne. Courses contain assignments, and readily applicable lesson plans teachers can immediately use within their classrooms. Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne has a reputation for being a leader in educational innovation, and distance learners are earning graduate, non-degree semester credits from an accredited university.

Who can enroll in these courses?
These courses are designed with K-12 educators in mind. Professors and staff at Professional Development Courses know that teachers who enroll in these courses are dedicated to their students, and they are driven to discover techniques for better pedagogy. This is why we offer a self-paced and independent study format, so teachers can find the time to enhance themselves personally and professionally, while still enjoying their day-to-day lives. Students may enroll in up to 15 credits at any time during a semester. All courses are offered in a convenient online format, which allows teachers to work on their courses from anywhere in the world!
Self-paced, flexible distance learning
Courses are self-paced and do not require any classroom attendance. Students may complete coursework in an online or PDF format. The online format allows students to work on assignments from a computer, so they have 24-hour access and can submit their completed course when ready. With the PDF format, assignments are emailed to students, who can submit coursework electronically or by regular mail. Course materials such as textbooks are mailed regardless of the format selected.
Courses are ready to be started at any time, and students may take up to one full year to finish, starting from the date of registration. Convenience is an essential part of these courses. The Professional Development Courses website provides an efficient layout of classes offered, including a section for popular trending courses. Students will enjoy a very easy registration process to enroll quickly. Materials are always shipped within one business day to ensure students can start working on their courses right away. For students who want a visual guide for choosing the right course to fulfill their requirements, Professional Development Courses’ Video Resource Center offers quick clips to provide additional resources for successful course completion, transcript request, and course previews.
Along the way, Professional Development Courses Student Support Staff communicates with students regularly, such as providing a tracking email to let them know when to expect their textbooks, telling them when coursework is received and when it is graded, and when students can expect to request their transcript. As Leigh LaLonde, Professional Development Courses’ Director, states, “We try to anticipate questions and provide answers before they even have to ask, so there is never a slowdown to the process.”
Areas of study covered by Professional Development Courses
Broad study areas for teachers include:
- Education and Psychology
- English and Literature
- History
- Science
- Site Visits
- Sports and Coaching
- Technology
There are several subcategories under each broad area of study. For example, under Education and Psychology, there are subcategories such as:
- Education and Psychology Courses
- Educational Tools
- Exceptionalities and Disabilities
- Health and Fitness
- Motivation and Classroom Management
- Multi-Cultural Courses
- Psychology Courses
- School Violence and Legal Issues
Under each subcategory, specific classes are listed. For instance, under the subcategory of Educational Tools for Teachers, teachers will find classes such as Motivating Students Who Don’t Care, Creating a Google Apps Classroom, Understanding & Dealing with Difficult Parents, Creating A Mindful Environment, and much more!
Spotlight on the University of La Verne
U.S. News & World Report and Forbes named the University of La Verne as one of the top institutions in the nation. The university, established in 1891, is a non-profit institution accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. La Verne has an innovative approach to teacher education and a strategic vision to meet the educational needs of students who’ll make impactful differences in their communities.
Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne helps K-12 educators who need graduate, non-degree semester credit courses, and they are looking for a program that will further enrich themselves and their students.
Why choose Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne?
Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne follows up-and-coming trends in education to anticipate changes that will make an inspirational difference in the lives of teachers and their students.
“We keep our finger on the pulse of the education community,” says Ms. LaLonde. “We stay in contact with our teachers across the country, and we ask, ‘‘What new requirements do you need to meet?’ We hear their needs, we understand them, and we act on them.”
Professors choose materials that are relevant, topical, and up-to-date, with tailored, well-thought-out assignments. Teachers can use what they learn from their courses and instantly apply it within their classrooms.
“That is important to us,” the director continued. “We don’t want to waste teachers’ time. We want to create meaningful courses with enriching content. When you take a course with us, you are going to learn new ideas, techniques, and create something tangible for your students. Our courses are designed in a way that you will be so energized by the time you complete your course; you will be excited to share your experience and success with your peers. ”
What teachers can expect when they take courses from Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne
Students will receive authoritatively-written content designed by professors who are respected experts in their fields, whether that is education, psychology, literature, history, science, technology, or coaching. Students can also expect to receive course materials quickly and receive an expedited turnaround for grades and transcripts. Courses are graded ongoing during each semester, and course grades are regularly posted to transcripts. Teachers have deadlines to meet and students to teach, and Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne ensures they can do both with confidence and ease.
What teachers get from taking courses from Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne
Teachers earn graduate, non-degree semester credits, which are reflected on the official transcript. Teachers are eligible to enroll in single or multiple courses, up to 15-semester credits each semester. Teachers can also earn certificates through the successful completion of 15-semester credits within a specific content area. Available certificates are:
- Art History and Appreciation for the Classroom
- Basic Biology for the Classroom
- Contemporary World History and Politics
- Early American History for the Classroom
- Health and Human Development
- Inclusive Classroom Teaching
- Instructing and Supporting English Language Learners
- Integrating Technology into the Classroom
- Literature for the Classroom
- Motivation and Classroom Management
- School Culture and Violence
- Teaching in the Multi-Cultural Classroom
- World History
Teachers want to do the best they can for their students, and Professional Development Courses wants to do the best they can for teachers. That is why the Professional Development Courses program is flexible and tailored to meet the demands of a teacher’s busy work and home schedule. Professional Development Courses helps teachers reach their goals efficiently, without sacrificing academic quality and rigor. Meanwhile, school districts and states recognize that their employees have completed coursework from an accredited leader in the field of distance education.
How teachers enroll in Professional Development Courses
When teachers enroll in Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne, they are in control. They offer open enrollment, and students can enroll in up to 15 credits each semester. Students are not required to pay additional registration fees, and all course materials are included in the cost of registration. Students can expect to receive their materials quickly and enjoy the freedom to work on their coursework at their own pace.
How teachers can use the credits they receive
Official transcripts reflect the graduate, non-degree semester credits earned. These credits are typically used for renewing a license, earning a certificate, or advancement on the salary schedule. Each district or state has its own policies regarding course eligibility. Before enrolling in a course, teachers should check requirements with their district or department of education. Transcripts are easy to request, and expedited electronic PDF and mailed copies are always at their fingertips. Helping students request official transcripts to meet their goals on time is part of the mission of Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne.
Success stories
Every year Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne receives numerous Thank You cards and notes from students thanking them for helping them reach their goals. In some cases, students have become eligible to apply for their dream jobs because of the credits they earned. One particular student needed a transcript right away. Professional Development Courses helped this student expedite her transcript so she could apply for a job that allowed her to pursue her passion. She got the job and more money for her family, too.
Another student initially enrolled in a few courses to advance on his salary schedule. He loved his courses so much that he ended up completing a further 144 credits. As the student reports, he continues to take courses beyond his immediate needs because he enjoys using the ideas and materials in his classroom. Professional Development Courses hears stories like these regularly from students. Sometimes what they learn meets more than just their professional needs. They are learning new techniques and strategies that further their passion for doing what they love.
The Professional Development Courses difference
What makes Professional Development Courses stand out? The instant value of the innovative materials plus the highest levels of customer support, every time. Students receive materials, grades, and transcripts quickly. This diligence is critical for teachers with unique circumstances or a tight deadline to meet. Professional Development Courses values teachers’ time and resources so they can move along a schedule that works for their needs.
Professional Development Courses at the University of La Verne remains aware of what’s going on in the world of education so that their courses can keep time with the latest technology and innovations in pedagogy. Many students enroll in courses at the request of their district or state, who want their employees to take accredited courses because they’re rigorous and add tangible, lasting benefits to their curriculum.
As Ms. LaLonde sums it up, “We provide content that makes teachers say, ‘Yes! We’ve been looking for this. Thank you for the opportunity to meet my goals with courses I’ve thoroughly enjoyed!’”
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