

Chocolate Has a Sustainability Problem. Science Thinks It’s Found the Answer

Behind the sweet exterior of chocolatiering is a sector facing serious headaches. Cocoa prices reached record highs...

An Uncertain Future Requires Uncertain Prediction Skills

We live in an Age of Uncertainty. Not just because of the global threats to societies, but...

The Mystery of How Supermassive Black Holes Merge

The original version of this story appeared in Quanta Magazine.Galaxies have been merging into ever-bigger structures over...

The $60 Billion Potential Hiding in Your Discarded Gadgets

This story originally appeared on Mother Jones and is part of the Climate Desk collaboration.I meet Baba...

Readers ask about glowing bat toes and a rare particle decay

Toe-tally mysterious Hairs on the toes of Mexican free-tailed bats light up under ultraviolet light,...

Re-engineering where body meets machine

Nancy Shute is editor in chief of Science News Media Group. Previously, she was an editor...

Tune In to the Healing Powers of a Decent Playlist

Beliefs and practices about music's ability to heal the mind, body, and spirit date back to the...

50 years ago, physics underwent a major revolution

A surprising new particle — Science News, November 23, 1974 To add to the...

A new biography of Benjamin Franklin puts science at the forefront

IngeniousRichard MunsonW.W. Norton & Co., $29.99 Let’s talk about the kite and the lightning storm....

Returning the Amazon Rainforest to Its True Caretakers

In 2025, a small, indigenous nation that calls itself the “people of many colors” will go home...

Videos capture orcas’ tricks for taking down the largest fish on Earth

Video from excited ecotourists shows how orcas manage an unlikely feat of predation: killing a massive whale...

Footprints offer a rare look at ancient human relatives crossing paths

Two ancient hominid species with slightly different gaits crossed paths in East Africa. Footprints preserved on what...