Articles by

Sujata Gupta

Is U.S. democracy in decline? Here’s what the science says

The United States’ reputation as an exemplar of democracy appears to be eroding. In a poll taken...

Navigation research often excludes the environment. That’s starting to change

Citations P.F. Velasco and H.J. Spiers. Wayfinding across ocean and tundra: what traditional cultures teach us about...

This researcher studies how misinformation seeps into science and politics

TV stars and terrorists may appear to have little in common. But after watching YouTube videos by...

Talking to a chatbot may weaken someone’s belief in conspiracy theories

Know someone convinced that the moon landing was faked or the COVID-19 pandemic was a hoax? Debating...

AI generates harsher punishments for people who use Black dialect

ChatGPT is a closet racist. Ask it and other artificial intelligence tools like it what they think...

Does social status shape height?

Citations S.L. Cox et al. Socio-cultural practices may have affected sex differences in stature in Early Neolithic...

Online spaces may intensify teens’ uncertainty in social interactions

Deciphering other people’s thoughts and feelings tends to generate considerable uncertainty. In a conversation, for instance, how...

Language models may miss signs of depression in Black people’s Facebook posts

People with depression tend to write and speak about how bad they feel, years of research has...