Articles by

Jake Buehler

DNA from old hair helps confirm the macabre diet of two 19th century lions

A pair of male lions that roamed Kenya more than a century ago gained notoriety as the...

This amoeba eats prey like owls do

A microbial predator that stalks the waters of the German countryside envelopes its victims and leaves their...

Mega El Niños kicked off the world’s worst mass extinction

A barrage of intense, wild swings in climate conditions may have fueled the largest mass extinction in...

Remote seamounts in the southeast Pacific may be home to 20 new species

Some 1,400 kilometers off the coast of Chile, rare deep-sea creatures drift along a garden of sponges...

This spider makes its home in the burrows of extinct giant ground sloths

Deep in the unyielding darkness of a Brazilian cave, a pale, blind, spiny beast carefully feels...

Hundreds of snake species get a new origin story

The ancestors of cobras and related snakes first emerged in Asia roughly 35 million years ago. Many...

Pheromone fingers may help poison frogs mate

During mating, some male poison frogs embrace their partner’s face in a love-potion-laced hug.  The amorous amphibians...

This tentacled, parasitic ‘fairy lantern’ plant is new to science

In the weird world of chlorophyll-free “fairy lantern” plants, there’s a new species to admire. Fairy lanterns...