Articles by

Emily Mullin

How Old Are You, Really? New Tests Want to Tell You

Age is just a number—and one you may be able to change. At least that’s the pitch...

A Stroke Paralyzed Her Arm. This Implant Let Her Use It Again

“This is very exciting,” says Jason Carmel, a motor system neuroscientist at Columbia University who wasn’t involved...

A Novel Male Birth Control Could Be an ‘On-Off Switch for Sperm’

Over time, they refined TDI-11861. In mice, the drug didn’t appear to interfere with sexual functioning or...

A Crucial Group of Covid Drugs Has Stopped Working

The changing nature of the virus also makes it difficult to conduct human clinical trials and get...

Scientists Grew Mini Human Guts Inside Mice

Your gut has an obvious job: It processes the food you eat. But it has another important...

This Startup Is Using AI to Unearth New Smells

The team posted its findings to the preprint server bioRxiv in September, and the paper is currently being...

The US Just Greenlit High-Tech Alternatives to Animal Testing

The Covid-19 crisis highlighted certain economic and welfare issues associated with using animals for research. Pandemic-related closures meant...

Here’s What’s Next for Pig Organ Transplants

Starting in the 1960s, doctors attempted transplants of kidneys, hearts, and livers from baboons and chimpanzees—humans’ closest...