Articles by

Emily Mullin

Here’s What’s Next for Pig Organ Transplants

Starting in the 1960s, doctors attempted transplants of kidneys, hearts, and livers from baboons and chimpanzees—humans’ closest...

A More Elegant Form of Gene Editing Progresses to Human Testing

In April 2016, Waseem Qasim, a professor of cell and gene therapy, was captivated by a new scientific...

The Crispr Baby Scientist Is Back. Here’s What He’s Doing Next

Some scientists and ethicists think He deserves a chance to prove that he’s capable of producing scientifically...

The Era of One-Shot, Multimillion-Dollar Genetic Cures Is Here

The company said the price was determined with consideration of the “clinical, societal, economic, and innovative value...

All the Actually Important Stuff Neuralink Just Announced

The most widely tested brain implant is the Utah array—a hard silicon square with 100 tiny protruding...

Turns Out Fighting Mosquitoes With Mosquitoes Actually Works

The Aedes aegypti mosquito is not just a nuisance—it’s a known carrier of dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, and Zika...

This Personalized Crispr Therapy Is Designed to Attack Tumors

In a new step for Crispr, scientists have used the gene-editing tool to make personalized modifications to...

This Gulp of Engineered Bacteria Is Meant to Treat Disease

In the muddy trenches of World War I, thousands of soldiers on both sides fell ill with...