Articles by

Emily Conover

A nuclear clock prototype hints at ultraprecise timekeeping 

Scientific clockmakers have crafted a prototype of a nuclear clock, hinting at future possibilities for using atomic...

Mayo is weirdly great for understanding nuclear fusion experiments

Mayonnaise’s texture inspires love and loathing. Either way, it’s perfect for physics experiments.  The classic condiment is...

50 years ago, scientists blamed migraines on cheese and chocolate

Chocolate, cheese and migraines — Science News, August 10, 1974 A new study of migraine and...

Dark matter experiments get a first peek at the ‘neutrino fog’ 

The neutrino “fog” is beginning to materialize. Lightweight subatomic particles called neutrinos have begun elbowing their way...

Can light spark superconductivity? A new study reignites debate

Brief blasts of light might make some materials into fleeting superconductors. A new study strengthens the case...

Advanced nuclear reactors need a different type of uranium. Here’s 4 things to know 

Nuclear power of the future is going to need fuel. That has governments, energy companies and nuclear...

A black hole made from pure light is impossible, thanks to quantum physics 

Black holes can’t be formed from pure light. Quantum physics would curb their creation under any foreseeable...

Physicists measured Earth’s rotation using quantum entanglement

Earth’s rotation has been measured many times over — but never like this. In a first,...