Articles by

Douglas Fox

Can geoengineering plans save glaciers and slow sea level rise?

Citations H. Seroussi et al. Evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet over the next three centuries from...

An unexpected ice collapse hints at worrying changes on the Antarctic coast

A hot spot is starting to form along the coast of East Antarctica. An ice shelf that...

A transatlantic flight may turn Saharan dust into a key ocean nutrient

As dust from the Sahara blows thousands of kilometers across the Atlantic Ocean, it becomes progressively more...

Warm water is sneaking underneath the Thwaites Glacier — and rapidly melting it

In Antarctica, the warm ocean is stealthily attacking a major glacier through a previously unknown route —...

A hidden danger lurks beneath Yellowstone

Mount Ontake in Japan rises 3,067 meters above sea level — a windswept giant standing head and...

A rapid shift in ocean currents could imperil the world’s largest ice shelf

Antarctica’s largest ice shelf, buttressing a dozen major glaciers and slowing their flow into the ocean, may...

3 Antarctic glaciers show rapidly accelerated ice loss from ocean warming

SAN FRANCISCO — Several Antarctic glaciers are undergoing dramatic acceleration and ice loss. Hektoria Glacier, the worst...