Articles by

Bethany Brookshire

The best way to cook an egg, according to science

When egg prices are hard-boiling your temper, it’s important to make sure that each egg you make...

Hotter cities? Here come the rats

If your city is getting rattier, climate change may be partially to blame. In an analysis of...

Wild baboons don’t recognize themselves in a mirror

Self-awareness may be beyond primates in the wild. Chimps, organutans and other species faced with a mirror...

Can you actually die of a broken heart?

Passing quietly away from sheer heartbreak is a trope that pops up in myth and fantasy. In...

Hand-feeding squirrels accidentally changed their skulls

Soft diet, weak jaws. If red squirrels eat too many peanuts, their jaws end up weaker...

By studying the eyes, a researcher explores how the brain sorts information

A cyclist is pedaling down the street. Signs, trees and fire hydrants whip by. As they bike...

Nasty-tasting cane toads teach crocodiles a lifesaving lesson

All it takes is one miserable night after a bad dinner or drink to make humans avoid...

How an invasive ant changed a lion’s dinner menu

How did the ant steal the lion’s dinner? This isn’t the beginning of one of Aesop’s Fables....